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7 silly myths about children's ballet

Фото автора: ulyanalaprina1923julyanalaprina1923j

Обновлено: 20 авг. 2018 г.

Popular myths about ballet debunks choreographer and dancer Xenia White, head of Choreographic Studio of Ksenia White.
In one of the articles we have already talked about the myths associated with gymnastics. Now it's time to talk about children's ballet.
Most myths about ballet have the right to exist only when a child is preparing for a professional career of a ballerina and is going to enter a higher education institution. And they can hardly be attributed to ballet in Amateur studios.
What are these myths that make parents afraid to give their children to choreography? Says ballerina Ksenia Belaya, head of the Choreographic Studio Ksenia Belaya.
1. All ballerinas have injured legs
I believe that ballerinas have the most harmoniously developed and beautiful legs. A dancer standing on Pointe shoes is something magical, light, flexible, floating in the air.
Classical ballet tutus are very short. This length was chosen so that the ballerina could show her beautiful ballet leg.
Of course, professional ballerinas Pointe shoes can cause deformation of the foot in the area of the thumb — creates a small bump to make it more comfortable to stand.
But for these changes to happen, you need to make ballet your profession, and lessons in an Amateur Studio to this result does not lead.
From the point of view of the state of joints, ligaments, muscles ballet legs are not spoiled even by professionals. And the legs of gymnasts, for example, suffer more than the feet of ballerinas.
2. Ballet is a drill and breaking of character
Ballet, like any sport, helps to develop character, develop willpower and hard work. The same effect is given by any other serious sports school, regular physical labor.
Ballet classes require discipline, adherence to diet, exercise and sleep.
But it is too early to talk about breaking character, especially in children's ballet.
3. Ballerinas should always be on a diet
Ballet is not only aesthetics and sport, it is also a lifestyle. Ballet classes foster respect for your body, form an understanding that the body — an object that requires attention. If a girl has a genetic predisposition to weight gain, it is necessary to exclude a number of products, pay attention to a healthy lifestyle.
But I would not call it a diet - rather a conscious healthy diet, caused by love for your body and the understanding that excess weight complicates the performance of dance tasks.
Most of the ballerinas I know, including those who have made choreography their life's work, do not sit on diets. Instead, they choose a balanced diet, do not favor fast food. In ballet schools, a girl is sometimes forced to lose a lot of weight, but I do not think it's right, such overloads and restrictions can cause later large hormonal disorders. An adult ballerina herself adjusts her weight and shape.
The beautiful aesthetic of the ballet form and the canons require certain proportions, but anorexia is not one of them.
4. Children's ballet, only for the elite

Ballet classes are part of the overall development. In order to visit an Amateur Studio, you do not need any special data. So, in our school it does not matter whether you are gifted or not in ballet parameters.
Choreography helps children to become more confident, strong, strong, hardy. "Ballet children" early develop beautiful posture, develop musicality, coordination. Therefore, everyone needs to do ballet, especially girls.
In addition, ballet classes are a great opportunity to join the art.
5. Ballet is only for those who already have a good stretch
For professional ballet stretching is necessary. But ballet classes are a set of many components, including harmony in the body, coordination, musicality, eversion, stop.
For lovers of ballet classes — a great opportunity to develop all these components, to acquire elegance and strengthen the internal discipline.
6. Ballet is just for girls
Of course not. Today it is impossible to imagine any ballet without the participation of male dancers, ballet masters. At the same time, in private studios ballet, as well as gymnastics, are mainly girls. Boys prefer football, volleyball, swimming.
But look at the beautiful famous dancers: male dance is very beautiful, and you can do it from an early age.
7. Ballet takes all the time, and the child does not have the strength for lessons
If you start going to the ballet, you give it a lot of time and effort. My daughter does ballet four hours a week. But despite this, she goes to school, goes to a theater Studio and a circle of graphics, engages in English and attends a music school. So everything can be combined - it would be a desire.
In addition, the ballet gives inspiration and teaches to daily physical activity.
With such high power and emotional loads you get used to live at high speeds. Even if ballet is not becoming late in the business of life, the habit of playing sports, physical activity saved forever. This is reported by Rambler. Next:

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