"Muscle clamps", uniting, form a "muscle shell". In the physical sphere, this leads to mobility restrictions, posture disorders, poor blood circulation, pain (all causes of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, many skin problems, somatic diseases).
Kneading, working out muscle clamps has a powerful healing effect on the body and soul. After all, changes in the body cause changes in consciousness.
And in addition, the expression of emotions and feelings in itself is the prevention of psychosomatic disorders, that is, bodily ailments caused by certain phenomena of the psyche.
Dance helps safe for the body to unlock recorded in the body muscle tension, disturbance of the flow of energy, suppressed emotions, overcome stress.
Dancing has a beneficial effect on all body systems, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive, respiratory, immune, nervous, endocrine and others.
Dance classes make us more flexible, strong and hardy.
Dancing improves blood flow and protects the heart. Italian researchers have proven that people with heart failure, engaged in dance as a form of exercise, strengthen health, your heart and improve your breathing. Their quality of life is also significantly improved compared to those who exercise on bicycles or treadmills.
Dancing can help you lose weight and give you energy. The study, published in The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition, showed that weekly dances improve physical condition and make people more energetic.
Dancing makes us happier and relieves stress and depression, increases self-esteem, helps to become more confident. Depression is an increasingly common problem in adolescents and adults. A study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience has proven that therapy involving dance moves not only helps relieve depression, but also helps fight stress, as it regulates serotonin and dopamine levels in the body. Given that dance is also a social action, it helps to get rid of the feeling of loneliness and provides many opportunities to meet other people. It is proved that dance, good and warm relationships can prevent mild depression and make the dancing person more confident.
Dancing improves our memory and makes us smarter. Scientists have found that dancing improves memory and helps prevent the reduction of the hippocampus — the part of the brain that is responsible for memory. Thanks to scientists proved the benefits of dance and for the mind. The main quality of a smart person is the ability to make decisions. The ideal way to develop this skill is to do a job that requires constantly fast (in seconds) to make decisions. In General, the mind and intelligence is well affected by the study of something new, here we are talking about any new skill. And dancing stimulates your brain, forcing it to come up with new solutions. Difficult exercises are best suited for this, as they make new neural connections necessary.
Dance helps to get rid of what fetters, improves health and figure, physical skills, reveals individual characteristics and talents, develops femininity and masculinity, helps to better understand yourself and others.
Communication and interaction skills are improving. Dance is one of the ways of finding language in relationships not only in dance, but also in life.
During classes ballroom dancing girls develop a sense of their true natural femininity, sophistication, they learn to trust the partner and conscious follow the man.
Men reveal their charisma and masculinity, master the technique of soft control, which is necessary not only in dance, but also in life.
A certain advantage for men involved in dancing is success among women. It is necessary for men to show the public at least part of their skills and dancing skills in a club or restaurant, it definitely makes an impression and all women are conquered. Even if the restaurants will not be the right music and a large space, you can adjust to any music and create any movement.
Engaged in ballroom dancing, a person develops harmoniously, both physically and mentally, emotionally and socially.
Ballroom dancing is music, beauty and movement. It is masculinity and femininity, sensuality, passion and emotions. Dancing is fun and inspiration, creativity and joy.
This dance improvisation as an interesting form of leisure and communication. It is an expression of individuality and feelings through music and dance.
The art of dance – a great means of education and development of the little man. It enriches the spiritual world, helps the child to open up as a person.
Unfortunately, modern living conditions do not always help our children grow up healthy. Huge training loads, poor nutrition, inability to plan study time, sometimes not very healthy influence of peer environment and society, lack of understanding of the vital need for healthy development are the causes of the emergence and development of children's diseases.
According to the world's leading pediatricians, the main component of this integrated approach should be regular sports activities of the child.
Many studies of psychologists have shown that children involved in dance, achieve greater success in school than their peers, as well as ahead of them in the overall development. Already repeatedly in the studies of many well-known pediatricians noted the fact that dance classes can significantly accelerate the development of the child. People who were engaged in dancing in childhood, are able to achieve greater success in life than their non-dancing peers.
Thanks to dancing, the child develops not only physically, but also emotionally and intellectually.
Dancing is one of the best physical practices for a growing body, thanks to which the child opens up, begins to feel his body and uses his plastic to Express their own emotions and feelings.
Dance classes help your child to relax and relieve the stress of the training load, give a good mood and a sense of self-confidence.
The ability to dance helps to fight stress. If we talk about brain activity, dance stimulates both hemispheres of the brain. The first, responsible for imaginative thinking, the second – for logic, create a strict geometry and improvisation of dance. Dance also develops brain functions such as memory, coordination, logical and imaginative thinking, etc.
Dance helps to form initial mathematical and logical representations of the child, trains skills of orientation in space; develops speech. Dance classes help to develop qualities such as commitment, organization and hard work, improve moral and moral qualities.
Dance classes teach children to look good, teach them to take care of themselves. Thanks to this, the child will be fit and neat all his life, and this is an important factor in communicating with people.
The child through dance begins to look at the world with different eyes, perceives any problems of the children's world much more positively.
All children like moving to the music. In the dance, the child is self-affirming. On the floor of the dance Studio or at home in the mirror actualized his inner "I". Kids remain at the physical level of development up to 3 years. And the better we work on the child's body, the more harmonious the psyche it has! Also in adolescents and adults, the body is the Foundation of personality. Because if you say to yourself "dancing To no abilities", maybe you did not get something in childhood.
It happens that in life the baby experiences negative feelings, gets sharp shouts, inattention. And at the time of testing negative feelings his body shrinks. Here is the dance better than others can help in removing physical tension and restore emotional balance. And if the child is regularly engaged in dancing, he will be given a lot of chances for "psychotherapy".
Dance classes will allow your daughter to feel like a real Princess in beautiful ball gowns and the boys during performances will turn into noble gentlemen.
Dancing for children is good for children's mental health, because it increases self-esteem, develops a sense of confidence and the ability to Express emotions. Children's dances are liberating-if you have a modest and shy child, training will remove barriers and make him bolder. Dancing is a kind of training that allows you to get rid of the mass of personal complexes, to acquire emancipation, additional self-confidence.