The desire and basic skills of owning your own body – that's all that is necessary for body ballet. After 3-4 workouts, the body will become flexible, the legs become slimmer, posture straighter, the movements smoother and more graceful. It is allowed to do body ballet anywhere. It is important to clearly carry out body exercises. They say that in body ballet quality is more important than the number of repetitions. Content 1 what is a body ballet 2 Exercises with a machine 3 Exercises without a machine 4 is body ballet Effective for weight loss? 5 Who are suitable classes and what are the contraindications? 6 Clothes for body ballet 7 How does body ballet differ from ballet? 8 what is the effectiveness? Body ballet Is a complex of fitness and Pilates exercises based on classical ballet. The foundations were laid in 2005 in America by choreographer Lee Sarago. Since then, in the body ballet appeared in Russia, the founder of the school of body ballet was the famous domestic ballerina Ilse Liepa. new exercise. But the essence remains unchanged. This kind of physical activity helps to lose weight quickly, tighten the muscles of the whole body. Improved stretching, pain in the joints, back, cervical spine disappear. Ballet dancer Ilse Liepa as the basis chose, naturally, the ballet moves. I supplemented them with exercises from Pilates and presented them to the General public. The technique has become popular in our country. Today it is practiced in many Russian fitness centers. Those who have experienced body ballet on themselves, note that they have become more hardy, strong, sleep better at night, got rid of depression, panic attacks and excess weight, pain in the joints, lower back, osteochondrosis. Exercises with the machine to do body ballet is recommended in the fitness center or at home. In fitness clubs,where body ballet is a priority direction set machines, at home the machine can replace the chair with the back. Here are 2 simple exercises at the Barre: the slopes of the body. For this purpose it is necessary to settle down at the machine and to put on it the left foot, the foot thus needs to be straightened. Left hand straighten up, and then begin to reach for the foot. Hold this position-position. Return conversely. You need to do at least 15 repetitions with each leg. Grand Batman back. Sit next to the machine and grasp it with your hands. Your back. Now throw your left leg back on a sock. Lift that leg up, the higher the better. Do the same with the other leg. From 15 repetitions on one side and the other. Exercises without a machine you Can perform exercises from body ballet without a machine: Put your feet in a straight line. Hands should be bent at the elbows in front of the body. Now you need to sit down and raise your hands above you. Stand up. And so - not less than 20 times. Put your feet so that one rests against the heel of the other. Now you need to throw a leg forward, to the side and back. The sock slides all the time on the floor. So 20 times with each leg. The next exercise is almost identical to the previous one. Only now you need to tear the sock off the floor. How effective are body-ballet for weight loss? Miranda Kerr is a big fan of body ballet, her figure can many envy this question is often asked by novice athletes, those who are just discovering body ballet. It is proved that this type of physical activity really helps to quickly and safely get rid of extra pounds. Why: treat cardio-training, which are necessary for competent weight loss; there is no shock load on the joints, the possibility of injury is excluded; exercises in body ballet are very simple, even a person with a very large weight will cope with them;no special physical training is needed. You can start studying from scratch.