Break dance (eng. breakdancing) — street dance, which appeared hip-hop. Today, there are two main types of this dance: the lower extreme dancer performs mainly acrobatic and power tricks on the floor; the upper break — dance-top rock is based on the plastic of the body: it is the movement of the body in space and fixes, which at first glance contradict all the laws of physics and gravity. The whole breaking dance came from new York city from the South Bronx, except for popping and locking, which came from California. Breakdance originated in the late 60s, but it is believed that as a separate dance it was formed in 1973. For the first time for the public dance presented James brown ( eng. James Brown), so as in his show participated breakdance-dancers.
1 Origin of the term
2 types of breaking
2.1 Funkstyles
2.2 More about locking, electric Boogaloo and popping
3 types of broken'a elements
4 elements of the food movement
5 Legendary teams
5.1 Rock Steady Crew
5.2 ICE KID from 2nd II no
5.3 Flying Steps
5.4 breakdance Championships
5.5 Music
6 In the USSR and Russia
7 clothes for breaking
8 in other areas
9 external Links
10 remarks
The origin of the term
This dance, which belongs to the hip-hop culture, and within it is called "braiking" (breakdancing, eng. gap.)It was conceived as such by the founders of this movement (Africa Bambaataa).
The term "breakdancing" (eng. Breakdance) is created by music journalists for convenience of perception by inhabitants as in English the word break means different concepts and has relation to different cultures. For the same reason (for clear identification) in the hip-hop environment began to use the term "bboying", which comes from the word B. boy (break-boy).
Dancers-guys to distinguish between the dancers and the girls, MS announced: "b-boys" (eng. B-boys) and "B-girls" (eng. B-girls). The word "bi-Boeing" gained popularity in the 1980s, when it became public. David Blunt (David toop) describes breikdans as the adaptation of the Break (eng. Break) dance, the former popular before it was vented freak, but again rose to a height, through such artists as Nigga Twins, spy and Zulu kings. However, one of the pioneers of hip-hop, DJ Kool Herc claims that violate the word comes from the slang word break, (literally "pause") as it was originally, the best dancers went into a musical losses during the song breaks. For the first time the word "B-boy" used the DJ Kool Herc, who so called people performing breakdancing.
Types of breaking
Breakdancing, in fact, as the dance is presented in only one form — the violation (or bboying). In the former Soviet Union for a long time it was decided to divide the break dance into "lower" and "upper". This division was born in the mid 80-ies of the last century, when through the iron curtain in the country got only jerky information about breakdance. In many ways, due to the lack of truthful information in the CIS for a long time developed "top break", which did not exist anywhere else in the world, so the Western dance culture has gone far ahead.
Actually, what we called "top break" is a different form of breakdance, originating not on the East coast of the United States, but on the West coast. These dances are based on funky (in no way case not rap and not electric) culture the West the coast and represented styles popping, locking and electric-bugalu (not be confused with electric-Boogie!). The style of locking was invented by a man named don "Campbell" Campbell, and was developed and known by the team he created lockers. Electric Boogaloo and popping were created by Sam "Boogaloo Sam" Salomon and his team developed in "electric Boogaloos".
There is also such a thing as "7 Smoking" in the breaking, Couples line up like a regular jam. Then the first pair makes its exit (eight eights). The task of the next pair to make your output more interesting and better than the first. After the performance (output) of the second pair of the judges decide who of the two pairs won. If the first pair wins, it remains in place and becomes the leader (the winner Pair gets 1 victory), and the second pair goes to the end of the queue. If the second won, everything happens exactly the opposite. So, I won the first couple, now follows the presentation of the third pair (in turn). Then the first pair (Leader) answers the third pair with their performance. Judges decide who won, etc.
(not to be confused with Rapstyles, Breakbeatstyles, Electrofunkstyles)
Illuminated-imitations of movements in the light of a stroboscope. It consists of many small phases, stops, with sharp transitions between them. It is important that the muscles should be relaxed for easy and correct execution of the style. It is necessary to work out the gesture first smoothly and relaxed, then also smoothly, but with full muscle tension.
Dimestop — Daymstop it both style and way of stopping the commit. The name comes from the American "dime" — a coin of ten cents, and "stop" — stop. This is explained by the fact that when a person studied this direction, he scattered coins around him. Stepping while moving on a coin, the dancer paused for a moment. Thus, dimestop is a quick stop of the whole body or part of it, but without any impulse or push.
Floating / Planing-Sliding is also a separate style among other funky styles, and a separate movement. There are more than 40 variations of it. The most popular are sliding-sliding to the left, to the right or on a geometrical figure (a circle, a square), a lunar gait. This is, of course, not counting all sorts of knee — glides on his knees. Here it is necessary to make a retreat and draw a clear boundary between gliding and swimming. All of the above is slipping. Under floats it is necessary to understand not that other, as elementary walking "heel-sock".
Waves his hand. It waves, combined with fixation, in Russia and called "electric Boogie". Although, of course, is not a "Boogie" and veyving — one of the funk styles. Its main idea is an imitation of the fact that a wave or a clot of energy moves through the dancer's body. Rather, it is a visual effect, not an idea. In veyvinge there are plenty of sub-genres.
3D-Information on this style is very stingy. We can only say that in 3D it is a set of waving and strobing, when the wave going through the body is divided into a larger number of points.
Bopping is the secret style of dancer Boppin ' Dre (Andre), and team La Wee crew. Pupils Boppin Dre founded the team, practicing primarily in this direction. The shortest definition is that bopping is a dancing robot.
Of king tut (tutting) — primitive Argo Tutankhamun — short for "king Tutankhamun", was originally an imitation of the ancient Egyptian drawings depicting people in various poses. A characteristic was that in all the movements observed angles between the body and arms, shoulder and upper arm, forearm and wrist. Palms flat (or "boat"), fingers together, feet together or at right angles to the body.
Spiderman-a style in Russia has not yet mastered. Same as, all these "digits and Spiderman"? Once upon a time, Poppin Pete, brother of Bugalu Sam'a, founder of the electric Boogaloos team, created the spider style, the essence of which was to work with your fingers. Subsequently, America has swept a wave of rave culture, then there were two styles of dance and not having to funk irrelevant — there's one called "liquid" and the other "numbers". Digits — a dance exclusively with your fingers. That is, the palms and fingers perform certain sequences of movements to the music. Qualitatively executed, this dance is simply fascinating. Unfortunately, today, you can see it only by searching the Internet for video clips. At one time there were whole sections devoted to video of liquid and numbers. However, now it is not so easy to find them. Waving your finger speaks for itself-waves your fingers, in different sequences and combinations. The viewer's attention is always involuntarily covers not the dancer as a whole, but only parts of his body. A very important role is played by the hands and feet.
Robot (botovodstvo)-it is this style, in its time, and made name of break-dance in the Soviet Union (however, this controversially). One of the founders of the direction of bot (robotting) is the American MIME Robert shields. In the seventies on television there was a show where two talented artists showed art of a pantomime in various plots. The show was called shields and Yarnell (Yarnel — so called partner shields). Perhaps this TV show — and not only that was the impetus for the creation of dance direction, but, in any case, it has had a huge impact on the dancing youth. Perhaps this is why Robert shields is considered almost a living legend and enjoys great respect among people who know the history of funk styles. He himself, being a middle-aged man, is the owner of a design company, but sometimes chooses the time to appear at major events, like freestyle and Biba at the highest level. "Robot" shields — a classic, and it uses just technique dystopia, although at present this is not required. The secret of botting as a style is two things. In technology it is, of course, isolation. All movements should be as isolated from each other as possible. "Isolation" is the term pantomime, and more about it can be found in the relevant sources. The second secret lies in the attitude. There are still some important details. The viewer's attention is not fixed on the body as a whole, but on such things as hands, fingers and, of course, the face (in particular, eyes). Therefore, the above parts of the body and facial expressions should be given special attention.Брейк-данс