Classical dance is an unsurpassed system for the development of the human, in particular the child's body, recognized throughout the world. It forms an ideal POSTURE (slowly correcting some curvature of the spine due to the correct stretching and work on the muscular corset), forms flexibility, plasticity, dance and gives a development of coordination, in which the child, who studied classical dance, subject to ANY DANCE direction — is the basis of all types of dance, the main system of expressive means of choreographic art.
Classical dance lessons are taught to discipline, responsibility, commitment. The objectives of the program of classical dance is the development of dance movements, the development of coordination, expression, artistry, the ability to directly Express ideas and feelings through movement and plastic, develops strength and endurance.
Classical dance classes have an amazing impact on the internal state and worldview. Due to the correct load, the figure becomes slimmer, and in the movements there is lightness and nobility. Flexibility and plasticity, coordination, musical and emotional expressiveness are developed at the lessons. Ballet, as if "educates" the body and ennobles the soul.
At the lessons, attention is primarily paid to the formulation of the body, the development of flexibility, strengthening and stretching of muscles, elasticity of ligaments, endurance and coordination of movements. Due to the correct load, the figure becomes slimmer, and in the movements there is lightness and nobility.
Classical dance is usually associated with ballet, but it is not the same.
Ballet (FR. ballet, from Italian. ballo-dance) - the highest "theatrical" form of choreographic art, in which it rises to the level of musical and stage performance. The main expressive means of ballet is the system of European classical dance. In the historically formed program of training ballet dancers classical dance is the base.
Classical dance is based on the careful development of different groups of movements and positions of the legs, arms, body and head. Movement strive for geometric clarity, aided by the principle of the turnout.
Classical dance originated in the 17th century in France and Italy. Therefore, all the terminology in it in French (and earlier in Italian). In Russia, classical dance appeared in the 18th century.
Russian school of classical dance combines the advantages of various European schools, breathed into it a mysterious Russian soul. This explains the originality of Russian ballet, which became famous all over the world at the turn of 19-20 centuries.
"Classics" is taught not only in special educational institutions – choreographic schools and ballet academies. It is studied in Amateur groups, cultural institutions, which train artists of folk, ballroom and pop dance. It is believed that the "classic" is an excellent preparatory base for the development of a variety of dances.
He is also included in the training of professional actors for the development of coordination and plasticity of movements.
Classical dance plays an important role in such sports as sports and artistic gymnastics, figure skating, synchronized swimming, etc. These classes give nobility to the movement of athletes. "While the gym produces a certain sharpness of the movement, with strong accentuation, almost military rhythm, the dance is committed to creating a smooth, latitude, cantilena (musical) gesture. They deploy it, give it a line, shape, aspiration, flight. Gymnastic movements are straightforward, and in dance they are complex and diverse" (Stanislavsky K. S.).
Recently, "classic" has become one of the fashionable areas of fitness. In many fitness clubs is a workout called "cardio Barre", "Classic Dance". However, Body Ballet and the lesson of classical dance, with its external similarity, are completely different things.