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Classics and its variations by Professional dancers

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Classics and its variations by Professional dancers, learning the art from an early age, initially learn the basics of classical dance. Their types depend on which program is taken as a basis – European or Latin. These two subgroups are United by the good old classical choreography, which has much in common with ballet. The essence lies in the fact that rehearsals are held under classical music, dancers perform stretching, studying the position, plie, pique, and other dance techniques. In the future, the quality of the dance will depend on the purity and correctness of execution of all these movements. European Slow waltz program. This is a Golden classic of dance, which is always accompanied by appropriate music in three quarters. For each measure, the dancers make three steps, with the first main, the second determines the angle of rotation, and the third – an auxiliary, which allows you to transfer weight to the other leg. Tango. Initially, it was a folk Argentine dance, but later became incredibly popular all over the world and moved into the category of European classics. Its essence lies in the fact that the two partners move vigorously and rhythmically to the appropriate music (it is also called tango). Viennese waltz. This is a kind of analogy to a simple waltz, but it dances a little faster and more energetic. Foxtrot. This is a fast and bright dance, which is performed both in pairs and in group mode. It was invented by Harry Fox (why the name) at the beginning of the 20th century, and since then its popularity has not waned. Quickstep. This is the fastest dance of European classics. It turns to the rhythm of a 4/4, and for a moment have as many as 50 cycles. In order to properly dance the Foxtrot, it takes years of practice and grueling training. It is important that all movements look easy, relaxed, and performed with incredible accuracy. Latin American program here will be listed popular types of dance, which today often go beyond the classics. On their basis, a variety of variations are created to simplify the choreography and make these dances available to everyone. Samba. Brazilian dance, which arose as a result of the merger of African and Portuguese traditions. He danced under a size 2/4, with a minute accounts for up to 54 cycles. In the classic version is performed to the beat of drums or other Latin percussion instruments. Cha-cha-cha. Characterized by a much slower choreography. The size – 4/4, minute accounts for 30 cycles. The most popular dance in Cuba, where he was born in the 20s of the last century. Today it is included in the classical dance program. Rumba. The slowest and intimate dance, which is always performed in pairs. Accuracy is not important here, as in other types of choreography. It is only important that the posture of the partners were very beautiful, so they form a unique figure, and each of their movement should be as plastic. Paso Doble. This dance has its roots in Spanish bullfighting. Here partner often portrays Torero, and his partner – cloak. The essence of choreography is a double step (why the name). Jive. African-American choreography, which originated in the 20th century and became widespread in the United States. Jive dancing in swing mode, but at the same time from the modern eponymous analogue is very different. Size-4/4, the number of cycles per minute – 44. - Read more on

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