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Elements of modern jazz.

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dzhaz modern muzyka dushi 300x181 Elements of jazz modernism.Modern, unusual jazz-modern dances impress with their brightness, originality. In them, each person can Express the whole range of feelings experienced at a certain time. They strike with the surprising rhythm allowing to be itself, to relax.

Modern dance direction

Jazz art Nouveau wonderfully combines elements of different directions. From classical ballet it is possible to note the main positions of hands and feet, and steps as if you perform salsa. The most important thing that is noted in this amazing direction is the opportunity to improvise. A person is liberated and gets pleasure from his own movements. Acrobatic moments are also present in jazz-modern. Without imagination and rich imagination it is quite difficult to dance.

Different dance systems influenced the creation of this modern trend. It is necessary to dwell on the attractive and memorable elements inherent in jazz-art Nouveau. The position of collapse is what people pay attention to, first of all, when they turn to the direction of jazz-modern. In this position, all the tension of the human body is lost. The knees are slightly bent, the body is completely relaxed.

The spine is plastic and very soft. Head slightly-slightly tilted forward and the torso, too,.

Jazz-modern is different from classical dance, first of all, the position of the spine. First you need to ensure that the whole body was relaxed.

Learning jazz modern begins with isolation. Our body consists of a huge number of parts. Hands, feet, head and more. Each "element" is able to work separately, to make light and smooth movements, regardless of the centers. In General, everything looks elegant and refined.

There is one unique principle called polycentricity. Different parts of the body can move freely and calmly in different directions and, what is most interesting in any rhythms.

The rhythmic structure in modern jazz is not as simple as it may seem at first glance. It is for this reason that you need to pay enough attention to the details of this amazing art, feel all the moments and make the maximum amount of effort in order to study modern jazz in detail.

Features of the dance

There is one important concept by which it is simply impossible to pass, without having focused on it the gaze. Animation is a concept associated with a unique process. A single movement is free to break into several independent parts that are worthy of attention.

Step is a simple movement with which you can move in space. Body weight is transferred from one foot to another, to do this is considered a real art, to achieve which it is necessary to strive with all my heart.

Coordination of the centers in their active movement is of paramount importance. Parallelism and opposition are two ways in which the above – mentioned process can be carried out. Directly related to the process of breathing exercises such as: compression and tension. The first of these talks about the compression of the body with the help of active work of the muscles themselves. The second says about the expansion in space. One occurs on inputs, and another on an output.

During the compression process, there is an accumulation of energy,which in the future can easily go out. In the hip area begins compression, then slowly distributed upward and captures the spine as a whole. Head-this part of, which comes in active movement in least.

Learning jazz art Nouveau

A special role is played, of course, the levels in the dance, it should be said, what exactly stand out in this direction: sitting, lying, squatting, standing on all fours, kneeling. Additionally, the splits, the bridge, the birch, the wheel – it all belongs to acrobatic tricks that are far from the last place.

The eversion position and the parallel setting of the legs-these moments can not be missed without leaving without attention. You can learn to dance jazz-modern and video lessons, which in modern times on the Internet there are a huge number. This is done if you have a great desire and desire to dance from the heart and from the heart to enjoy. Before you start doing, of course, you need to be well prepared for this step. Muscles should be elastic, physical training at height.

Alone is hard enough to learn all the basic elements of this dance. It is for this reason that many recently actively attend all kinds of dance schools. There they are trained by real professionals. Learning together is always more fun and effective.

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