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Jazz modern

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Brightness, emotionality and a lightness of free jazz was complemented by a deep philosophy of modernity.

jazz modern

Katherine Dunham

This direction of modern stage choreography appeared in the 70-ies of the last century in America, and then "captured" Europe. Two dance styles – jazz and modern United in a new direction. But to learn the history of dance, you need to look at the beginning of the XX century.

The "birth" of jazz

Jazz as a dance "blossomed" in the 20s of the XX century, was performed and invented by African Americans in the home environment, but quickly became a favorite of the scene-Broadway productions could not do without it.

One of the founders of the style – Catherine Dunham. "Black", as it is called, dance, owes African Americans their unique plasticity, imagery, sense of style and freedom of all parts of the body in motion.


jazz modern

Hollywood stars Fred Astaire and ginger Rogers

"Birth" of art Nouveau

Modern "rattled" throughout the XX century, accompanying all the world's vicissitudes and rapid changes. The style was a reaction to classical dance with rigorous shapes, rhythms and movements. Dancers were tired of ballet, and the new, quickly changing, world, demanded modern, free and plastic dance with other themes.

Isadora Duncan first presented on the stage of art Nouveau

jazz modern

Isadora Duncan

Art Nouveau was not born in the "bottoms", unlike jazz. Isadora Duncan first presented on the stage of art Nouveau, but did not create her own school.

The main theorist of the style, thanks to which the modern American ballet school now looks that way – Martha Graham. LOI fuller, Ruth Saint-Denis, Ted Shawn, Doris Humphrey also developed the philosophy, technique and unique energy of dance.

jazz modern

Staging Of Pina Bausch

Popular jazz songs from movies and musicals

With high speed spread modern across Europe. So the world learned about talented choreographers-Maurice Béjart, Pina Bausch and others.

Among the Russian representatives of the style known Eugene Panfilov, Alla Sigalova, although such development as in Europe, in modernity, we have not achieved. Soon the components of the style were used in ballet productions and classical dance.

jazz modern

Alla Sigalova

Jack Cole - "father" of jazz-modern dance

Two different directions did not last long separately and soon United in jazz-modern. Jack Cole-the teacher, the first competently connected technicians of these styles, and in 1966 released the textbook with the description of features of the new direction. After that, jazz-modern began to develop independently.https: / / / jazz-in-faces/jazz-modern/

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