Stretching (from English "stretching" — stretching) — is a special exercise aimed at the development of flexibility of the whole body. In addition, this type of training strengthens tendons, normalizes blood circulation, having a positive effect on the whole body. This is a great way to improve your health. It is possible to be engaged in a stretching both in specially equipped hall, and in house conditions. All you need is a fitness Mat that will provide you with a comfortable environment for your workout. In addition, this type of aerobics can engage absolutely anyone, despite the level of physical fitness, as well as without any additional training skills. The following set of exercises can be done daily warm-up to get the desired effect. In this article we will consider in detail the main types of stretching, the benefits and contraindications to classes, choose the right set of exercises for beginners, talk about classes during pregnancy and the necessary clothing.
Source:Кроме also, this kind of aerobics can deal with absolutely any person, regardless of fitness level, and without any additional skills training. The following set of exercises can be done daily warm-up to get the desired effect.
Source:Основные depending on the degree of load on the muscles, there are the following types of stretching: SOFT and DEEP. When performing the first, the muscles stretch to their usual length. Each exercise will take approximately 30-40 seconds to complete. The main purpose of DEEP STRETCHING to stretch the muscles to the new length. For this exercise are performed from 1 to 5 minutes. Classification of stretching according to the method of exercise: Static; Dynamic; Active; Isometric; Ballistic; Proprioceptive neuromuscular. Static (Static Stretching) — this type of stretching is suitable for beginners. All exercises are aimed primarily at muscle relaxation, performed slowly and smoothly. This training helps to strengthen the tendons and soft joints development. The main essence of this classification is that the person performing the exercise for a short period of time stops, keeping the muscles in a tense state. That is, from a mechanical point of view, there are no movements. However, the muscles receive static load, remaining in a reduced state. You can read more about static exercises in this article. Dynamic (Dynamic Stretching), the species is also relatively safe and suitable for people who have a weak physical training. Exercises alternate in such a way that first the muscles tense up and then relax. Active stretching is aimed at stretching the muscle, which is in a passive state. This is achieved by the work of other muscle groups that surround it. Due to the active stretching also increases joint mobility. This type can be used in yoga. Stretching with isometric stretching occurs in four stages: muscles tense, relax, stretch and fixate. This type of exercise requires sufficient physical training and effort, but with regular performance you will see an excellent result in terms of static-passive plasticity. The whole point is to create muscle stretching by counteracting. For example, go to the wall, lean your right hand (palm) to the edge and tilt the body slightly forward, as if trying to move the hand wall. Thus, you will stretch the pectoral muscles and the anterior deltas due to the created tension. As you understand, to perform such exercises you need to use a wall or any other support that can not be moved. This method is much more effective than static stretching. One of the most unsafe species is ballistic stretching (Dynamic Stretching). Basic exercises are performed quickly and abruptly, so they are not recommended for beginners. The essence is as follows. Sprtsman, with short, dynamic movements with otbivok, beyond certain limits, increasing range of motion. For example, take the exercise " slopes with stretching hands to the toes of the foot." With normal, smooth movement, a person with a bad stretch will not be able to reach the tips of his fingers to the socks in a standing position. In this case, the legs should be smooth and not bent at the knees. So, with ballistic stretching, a person makes a movement with a sharp push down and without problems reaches his hands to his feet. So, say, goes beyond the motor capabilities of the body. Due to this rapid production of stretching a certain muscle group, our body reacts instantly, reducing these muscles. A similar effect is also called MYOTATIC REFLEX. Important! To engage in ballistic stretching is necessary only under the guidance of an instructor. Self-exercise can lead to serious consequences. Proprioceptive neuromuscular (PNF) — a type of stretching aimed at restoring joint mobility subsequently muscle disorders, injuries or surgery. With the help of manipulation of peripheral elements, called PROPRIOCEPTORS, rehabilitologists can correct many defects associated with poor posture, impaired motor function of the body and so on. This type is carried out for therapeutic purposes under the guidance of an experienced instructor or physician.