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Tektonik (intentionally distorted English. tectonic-tectonic, Dating back to the Greek tektonikos) - French trademark, as well as the dance movement of the XXI century, emerged around the dance, which contains elements of jumpstyle, hip-hop[1], locking, popping, techno, etc. Originally the term meant dancers electro dance style[2][3][4], subsequently, with the registration of "Tectonics" as a brand, it spread to all movement and its elements as a whole, somewhat delineating these concepts. The movement was hugely popular in 2006-2007, but since the end of 2008 there has been some of its decline-tecktonik is a shortening of the evening's name-Tecktonik Killer. It is a trademark and its use is protected by French trademark law. But the brand is often called Electro Dance, Dance Electro, Milky Way or Vertigo. But options Tecktonik and Electro Dance are the most common, until disputes which of them should be used. In the media, the term "Tecktonik" as an official trademark and brand is associated with music, clothing and all official products, while the term Electro Dance is unofficial and is not used in marketing or media

But the pioneers of movement and leading dancers prefer to use the term Tectonic to name the brand and its associated attributes, and Electro Dance for the dance as a whole:

"Tecktonik is a brand of clothing, the media use this word for naming dance, but they have nothing in common. The dance is called Electro Dance . - Ceriz[8] »
The Creator of the Milky Way dance and one of the most famous dancers Spoke also negatively refers to the use of the term " tectonic»:

"Don't say Tecktonik!
This brand uses dance to make money. My dance is not Tecktonik, but you can call it "Electro Dance" and "Milky Way" Please forward this message worldwide! T

One more step, the dance is born, not the brand .. »
The same view is shared by other leading dancers:

"Are we talking about electricity now? But all dance is called Tecktonik. How right? The dance is called electro. And to the point. Tecktonik is a brand, a brand, a company name. If people search the Internet for electricity, typing in the search bar "Tectonic", they do not understand. This word is the name of the company. Saying " I dance Tecktonik "to an electro dancer is the same as saying" I dance Kit — Kat "or"I dance Nike" to a hip-hop dancer. Who says that? So the style is called electro. And in this direction there are already several trends: hardstyle, jumpstyle, vertigo (FR. - "dizziness"),-just as hip-hop combines and popping, and locking, and breaking, and smurf, and much more. - JAY »

"Why is everyone so obsessed with this word – "tectonic"? Tectonics is not a dance at all, it's just a brand! And himself dancing, Yes, electro. - SMDB TEAM [10] »

Others, on the contrary, consider Tectonics to be a separate dance, but also emphasizing that tectonics developed from electro dance or had a common root with it[11]. For example, the famous dancer Ramses is of the opinion that Tectonics is the result of mixing the" party " from the metropolis club with the dance that has not yet had a name, and electro dance are those who began to dance the same dance outside of any clubs and brandsТектоник

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