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The benefits of fitness

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the benefits of fitness

The 21st century sets such a pace of life that you simply can not do without physical culture. And among all its types one of the most popular – fitness. What is fitness? This concept includes many things. This is a balanced diet, which can give the body the necessary energy for life. It is regular exercise, combining aerobic training with strength training. And, of course, this is the right way of life, which includes, in particular, walks in the fresh air, healthy, full sleep and much more.

About the benefits of fitness

If you regularly do fitness, it will help to realize your most cherished plans. It will give you the opportunity to live fully and give the joy of victory over yourself. Fitness will protect against shocks, both environmental and social, as classes are the most effective way to deal with any stress.

Fitness classes reduce nervous tension, improve overall health, and, consequently, prolong life. And, importantly, it allows you to make your body more beautiful and slimmer. After all, the desire to have a slim figure is not just a tribute to fashion, it is an opportunity to live a full life.With the help of fitness, a huge number of people have already improved their body, and thus strengthened the spirit. Fitness gives you the opportunity to make your appearance much more attractive. Straightened shoulders, posture becomes better, stronger muscles, fat disappears, and the waist, on the contrary, appears.

You will gain optimum weight. If there are more muscles, more calories are burned, and not only during exercise. If practised regularly, improves metabolism, therefore, go the extra pounds.Strengthening the musculoskeletal system

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system

Most fitness classes with weights affect the condition of the muscles, increasing its endurance and strength. A trained body is able to withstand an increased load for much longer. This allows the athlete to effectively use the resources of his body both in the gym and in everyday life.

People who come to the gym with zero training, often have weak muscles and bad posture. Body asymmetry is a common problem that occurs due to uneven muscle development, and improper load distribution. Compounding, these violations lead to malfunctions in the work of internal organs, so it is desirable to prevent their development. Many strength exercises help to adjust the figure and posture, but they must be performed under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

A pleasant side effect of muscle development is the acceleration of metabolism and more active fat burning. The combination of power loads with a balanced diet provides the athlete with a healthy physique and the right energy balance. The higher the percentage of muscle tissue in the body, the lower the risk of obesity, so lean on bodybuilding is each supporter of healthy lifestyle .

Fitness in the gym is useful not only for muscle tissue, but also for bones. Regular performance of strength exercises helps to strengthen the skeleton. By combining bodybuilding with a calcium-rich diet, you can significantly improve the condition of bones, tendons and ligaments, increase joint endurance and prevent osteoporosis.

The use of power loads for the heart

Regular fitness training with additional weight has a positive effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. The best evidence of this is the results of a biochemical blood test, which shows that visitors to the gym significantly reduced cholesterol, diabetes and obesity are much less common. Improvement of biochemical parameters and General improvement of cardiovascular system helps to reduce blood pressure, prevent heart attack and stroke.

Strength fitness is useful not only for the heart, because it indirectly affects the immune system and metabolism. Increased resistance of the body reduces the likelihood of catching the disease, building an effective defense even against cancer.

Pros of power fitness for the brain

Pros of power fitness for the brain

If we compare the psycho-emotional state of an athlete and a person who is not keen on strength fitness training, the fan of a healthy lifestyle will be in a more advantageous position. Regular classes with additional weight strengthen self-confidence and determination, but these qualities are extremely useful in all spheres of life, including work.

Some methods of treatment of depression and insomnia are based on systematic fitness classes, but the level of physical activity should be chosen strictly individually. Insufficient and excessive intensity of training is equally harmful, so novice athletes are often recommended to make a program with the help of a coach or a doctor.

How to determine the purpose of fitness

Mastering strength fitness, you should start with setting a specific goal. Think about what tasks you buy a gym membership for. Want to get rid of extra pounds? Want to build muscle? Do you plan to improve your shape a little and keep it in the future? Strength, endurance, agility, flexibility — all these characteristics can be improved if you perceive the situation objectively.

The main trap, which fall novice fans of healthy lifestyle, is high expectations. Many beginners instead of a clear goal are guided by the figures of supermodels or bodybuilders, which inevitably leads to disappointment. Remember that it is impossible to achieve everything at once, so work in the gym should be divided into stages with a realistic goal at the end.

Immediately forget about blurry desires to make the waist thinner or widen the shoulders. Ask yourself how many centimeters in girth you want to lose and do your best to accomplish the task. A clear prioritization will help not only to believe in yourself, but also to make a program of strength fitness .

How to organize fitness training for a beginner in healthy lifestyle

How to organize fitness training for a beginner in healthy lifestyle

The optimal duration of fitness training is 20-60 minutes. The exact duration of the training depends on its type, and the type, in turn, is determined by the goal.

Systematic-the key to excellent results, so do at least twice a week. For 7 days you have to work all muscle groups, paying special attention to the underdeveloped muscles. If you can not do it for two fitness workouts, try to increase their number.

.https: / / 1sportnews.EN / polza-silovogo-fitnesa-dlia-zdorovia-cheloveka/

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