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The benefits of stretching

Фото автора: ulyanalaprina1923julyanalaprina1923j

The benefits of stretching

* has a stimulating effect on the circulation of lymph and blood in the body;

* stretching exercises, which are included in the final part of the training session, allow the muscles to recover by returning from the reduced state to the original length (at rest);

* helps muscles relax. With their help, you can reduce all kinds of pain caused by nervous tension or stress;

* stretching can slow down a number of aging-related processes;

In addition:

* with regular training aimed at stretching the muscles, they (the muscles) retain their elasticity, are qualitatively supplied with nutrients and blood;

• stretching exercises are an effective means of reducing mental stress;

* stretching classes help to improve posture by improving the condition of the muscular system), but also give you a sense of flexibility, harmony;

• stretching is the main part of training aimed at reducing pain during menstruation;

• this type of load is effective in the fight against salt deposits, is an excellent means of preventing the development of osteoporosis and hypokinesia (after premature decalcification and bone aging).

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