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The origin of intellectual Contemporary

Фото автора: ulyanalaprina1923julyanalaprina1923j

Обновлено: 20 авг. 2018 г.

The origin of intellectual Contemporary dance is not just a set of strictly regulated pas. This is a free, arbitrary sequence of movements through which the dancer talks to the audience, it is a monologue of the soul. Technically — we are talking about contemporary dance, combining elements of various styles and directions. However, this definition cannot convey the meaning of contemporary, because it depends on what each specific dancer puts into the dance; it does not repeat once and for all the established pattern of movements, but acts individually. Isadora Duncan-one of the founders of contempo the Exact date of the appearance of a certain style in dance is difficult to distinguish.

Regarding the style of contemporary, many researchers agree that it originated in the middle of the twentieth century. But, undoubtedly, its founder is the great Isadora Duncan. Creating your original, free dance, Isadora took for the base of the ancient plastic and led choreography to a new level. She formulated the essence of the future contempo-sincerity of feelings and thoughts, focus on the beautiful. Do you know? According to the dream books, to see the dance hall or be there in a dream — it's good news or a good meeting. Duncan's desire to create a dance that would serve as a natural continuation of man (his movements, aspirations, expression of character and feelings), found its continuation in contemporary dance. This allowed to create such a popular direction in choreography, which immediately found its followers. In particular, Duncan fought for women's rights, considering dance as a way to free them from the captivity of prejudices and conventions, which met with the approval of many supporters of female emancipation.Marie Ramber and Martha Graham had a great influence on the style of contemp dance, Rudolf von Laban and mers Cunningham made their contribution to the history of its creation. Contemporary as a symbiosis of different cultures Zumba Classes in Novosibirsk round the clock hall of the Grand Arena. Cozy and clean rooms. For any level of training! Hall fitnessfriday salaka-sonstwas court Exercise for stretching the splits! d. Novosibirsk. Stretching exercises-twine. Studio in the city center.Recorded 1st class - 200 p. will Sophistication the splits for 2 meso we Yandex.Direct database access in the form of ancient practice, experts

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