There are many rumors about rhythmic gymnastics. Let's try to figure out what is fiction and what is the truth?
Rhythmic gymnastics is not a sport, but an art
To some extent, this is true. The first teachers in rhythmic gymnastics had their own studios or schools where they taught dance or rhythmic gymnastics. Therefore, the purpose of training at first was to teach girls to move gracefully and freely own their bodies. Also, the theory of the French teacher Francois Delsarte was taken as a basis, who believed that every human experience is accompanied by certain movements of the body and, therefore, by reproducing these movements, you can cause the viewer certain experiences.
Nevertheless, rhythmic gymnastics is more a sport than an art. Daily eight-hour workout, nerves, tenacity, constant victory over himself is all it says about the affiliation of rhythmic gymnastics to the sport, but certainly with elements of art.
Coach for gymnasts means more than parents.
Indeed, professional gymnasts spend more time with the coach than with their relatives. However, throughout her creative life, a gymnast usually has more than one coach. First, it is a specialist of initial training. Then-teachers of the youth team. And only then there are coaches of the highest level.
In rhythmic gymnastics, there are more tears than joy.
At first, this is true. Despite interesting for the child classes with subjects, almost immediately appear and the first tears. Pain, when you put on the twine, stretch. Tears if something is not immediately obtained with a Mace or a strap, the nervous experiences before performances, the bitterness of defeat. But there are also injuries! However, rhythmic gymnastics develops flexibility, grace, endurance, teaches a person to own his body, gives confidence. And, of course, all tears are forgotten after the first victory!
Gymnasts eat little.
On the one hand, the weight must be monitored. And there are moments when you need to lose two or three pounds. Then the gymnasts go on a diet. But after the weight has reached the desired value, you can afford to eat more. In addition, exhausting training simply will not allow the gymnast to recover. And energy for the competition even as needed!
The level of rhythmic gymnastics has recently increased all over the world.
Yes, it really is. And the most important reason is the coaches from Russia and other countries of the former USSR, who now teach around the globe. If earlier good gymnasts met only in Eastern Europe, now we see a lot of great athletes in China, Japan, the United States and other countries.The winners of the major rhythmic gymnastics tournaments are known in advance.
No, it is not. Of course, there are favorites, there are gymnasts with names, but even a champion can make a mistake! Especially often unforeseen situations occur with the subject: the tape can be tied, the ball roll away, the Mace fall.
Judges in rhythmic gymnastics are biased.
The international gymnastics Federation has changed the grading system several times in order to emphasize the technical elements and reduce the subjectivity of the assessments. And yet the assessment of performance in this sport remains extremely subjective. It often happens that at first you need to work in your own name, getting low scores, and then the name begins to work for the athlete, adding her points.
Sports life in rhythmic gymnastics is very short.
Yes, 24 years in rhythmic gymnastics – is the limit. However, there is a logical explanation for this. In this sport, train hard, toil, stretched, so to do gymnastics longer allows health. Moreover, start your career of a gymnast is also quite early. The first steps in this sport the child makes in 3-5 years, as the body at this age is more susceptible to the development of flexibility and coordination. At the age of 16 had already become a senior. Only a few gymnasts continue their sports career until the age of 22-24.5 myths about rhythmic gymnastics
LETIDOR.RU 9 Oct 2017
If your child is engaged in rhythmic gymnastics or you would like to give it to this section, be sure to read our article.
Senior trainer at the center for sports development of the "Constellation of Activities" Galina Kanaeva — that it is necessary to know to parents of young gymnasts.
Myth # 1: rhythmic gymnastics is easy
And it's completely understandable why it occurs: look how graceful and fluttering on the carpet gymnasts. One wave of the hand-and a six-meter ribbon obediently draws a pattern of monograms, clubs fly to the ceiling and return directly to the hands of the gymnast. And in fact, behind all this ease is hard work.
Through sweat and tears — it's about rhythmic gymnastics.
The girls work in the hall six days a week for several hours. Of course, time and intensity depend on age. Little gymnast (3 to 5 years) I train 3 times a week for 1 hour. Gymnasts from 6 years old spend in training for 2-3 hours a day, visiting them 5-6 times a week. And when the gymnast goes to professional sports and enters, for example, the national team, training takes most of the time: 6 times a week, the athlete attends training 2-3 times a day, working for each for 2-3 hours!
In addition to practicing gymnastic elements, gymnasts have choreography lessons that are very close to classical ballet, General physical training and special physical training.
And, of course, the most unpleasant — stretching: those tears, which we wrote earlier.
The fact is that in the process of training the body needs time to adapt to the loads, to get used to them. This is not a quick and painful process at first: we all saw what gymnasts do at performances. And to teach the body such flexibility, it is necessary to work very long.
Beauty requires sacrifice — this is about gymnastics!
Myth # 2: Any girl can be a gymnast
Not at all. Rhythmic gymnastics is perhaps the only sport in which an athlete must combine two of the most important qualities: strength and lightness. And this, as you know, two mutually exclusive concepts. Add to this flexibility: it is desirable that there was a natural predisposition. And we will finish with external data-it is enough to look at our Prim-for example, Margarita Mamun, Yana Kudryavtseva, Averin sisters. Here we have turned out to be the diamond that you need to find among the thousands of sports.
It is almost impossible to predict the future for young athletes.
Girls begin to engage in 4-5 years, they will grow, grow — and each will change differently.
Myth # 3: Gymnasts don't eat
Eat, where to take forces for training? But very closely watching how and what. Of course, donuts and burgers are not included in the diet of athletes, but maybe it's not bad?
Having recorded the child in the section of rhythmic gymnastics, be ready to closely monitor the weight and diet of the child. There is a perception that gymnasts for life refuse certain products-or even categories of products. It is not so: not forever doesn't have to.
But a serious review of the diet is inevitable-a noticeable reduction in the consumption of sweet, fatty will be mandatory.
Under serious sports loads such food will not benefit. However, many in the process of training help of a special food diaries.
Myth # 4: gymnasts Have no childhood
That's not so. Childhood is at all, just children-athletes it is a little different. Despite the great physical activity, constant employment-there are great joys: the first successes, the first competition. Among other things, the child is formed his circle of friends, because sports friends — it's forever.
And given the geography of the tournaments, rhythmic gymnastics gives a great opportunity to see new places: from Portugal to Japan!
Myth # 5: Gymnasts always in sequins and make-up
This misconception. Artistic gymnasts have a clear rules of form for training. As a rule, most of the time gymnasts train in the form of black. The choice of color is dictated not only by its utility. Thanks to the black uniforms, the coach sees better elements performed by the athlete.
And of course, make-up for large physical activity is not appropriate.
Therefore, despite some indulgences for mini-gymnasts, everything is very, very strict. All the beauty and brilliance of rhythmic gymnastics costumes girls show only at competitions. Rules, fashion and sports style are changing, calm colors are replaced by bright ones, however, this is only the upper part of the iceberg! This is reported by Rambler. Next: