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What is VOG: description, history, features and interesting facts

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Обновлено: 21 авг. 2018 г.

What is VOG: description, history, features and interesting facts Subscribe Edit article 0 0 Once about this direction no one knew, and now a curious style, which mixed hip-hop, acrobatics and modeling poses, is gaining huge popularity among young people. Vogue (voguing) is a true art of improvisation to the music in the style of the house. Several versions of the emergence of dance See, that such VOG. It is more than a dance, it is a person's self-expression and a whole culture. It is believed that he appeared in 1972 in Harlem prison. Prisoners deprived of all sorts of entertainment, except fashion magazines, began to copy the poses of models, and after liberation brought to the streets a special art, which few people owned. However, there is another explanation of the origin of the dance. In the 60s, models with dark skin color were not hired because of racial discrimination. Offended the girls were arranging burlesque shows, in which grimacing and deliberately froze in beautiful poses. So there was a dance movement Vogue dance, named after the famous fashion magazine. Madonna, who popularized the style anyway, but the American star Madonna in 1990, made a splash in her black-and-white clip, which was called Vogue, used elements of this style. Graceful movements, special grace and incredible artistry liked the audience very much. It is believed that the singer popularized the Vogue style for the General public. Self-expression in dance our teachers admit that mostly women come to classes, and men feel uncomfortable because of the ridicule of others. According to those who are engaged in this style, Vogue – dance, which is such by only ten percent. The rest is self-expression, and not so much movements as appearance. Representatives of the fair sex admit the strong influence of dance on life and believe that Vogue changed them internally and made more confident. Individual handwriting So what is Vogue? This is the dance area, where the sex of the participant does not matter. All you need is artistry, sexuality and the desire to Express yourself to the world around you. The combination of different styles, sometimes even incompatible (ballet, gymnastics, jazz, break, yoga), a combination of model gait, clear hand rotations and acrobatic elements – that's what is a modern Vogue. Dance conveys attitude, desires, dreams and even shocking, so everyone has an individual handwriting. And this is very obvious at throwing balls that resemble bright holiday. The dance style Vogue: the description Feature are the unusual dance movements which mimic the flying pace of fashion models on catwalk and posing for glossy magazines. In this style, there are Frank eroticism and blatant provocation, and the woman dancing the Vogue, allows herself to let out her sexuality, forgetting about embarrassment. Therefore, the clothes for the dance should not only be comfortable, but also emphasize the beauty of the body. Images are complemented by jewelry that adjusts to the correct manner. Exercises from back pain I use the simulator Jewmas. Exercises for back pain help in 5 minutes! Ceilings from 80 rubles / m.! For 1 day! Without dirt and dust! High quality! From Sibremont! Promotion until 31.08. Make haste! stretch-ceiling-Novosibirsk.RF Yandex.Direct Unusual and colorful outfit is a kind of autograph for the dancer, and many sew their clothes to order. Voger must be a good stylist, and often because of the wrong costume participant can be removed from the competition. Therefore, in training, learn new movements and pick up clothes for performances. Vogue dance includes acrobatics, gymnastics and improvisation, and its main highlight is the fading of the performer in a pretentious, mannered pose for a few seconds. The house of vogers with a single philosophy Only in this dance there is such a thing as a "house", originally created by the prototype of the family. However, if relatives are not chosen, then like-minded people are United in a single party, where the main is the founding father of the house. And there is only one way to get into a certain "family" – to please its head. If dad selects the style and technique of the dancer, he sends an invitation. Other members can recommend the voger they like, but the founder decides everything, and the last word is always with him. He takes care of his "children", gives advice and comments on videos or photos. There are no special conditions to be in any house. All dancers try to support each other, their status and reputation of the "family". It is interesting that sometimes even those who do not know how to dance receive invitations, for this you need to be a creative person and like the Pope. - Read more at -this is the direction of dance, which is based on movement, pantomime, posture and facial expressions of models from Vogue magazine.

The roots of the dance flow into the distant 60s, has African and Latin American roots. At that time, with the dark skin tone of the model could not find a job in connection with racial discrimination. But the girls did not stop and arranged their fashion shows, where deliberately grimaced and froze in haughty poses, and there was Vogue.

Initially, this dance represented a way of expression and manifestation of gay culture, besides at that time balls were held, where the focus was on women's outfits. But despite the rejection of gay culture, the number of gay people among the population increased. By the end of 60-ies, they were already on girl show in the heart of Las Vegas!
The main changes in the 1970's, as special attention was paid not to the costume, but to the individuality of the dance. Thus Vogue became one of the ways of self-expression and realization!

A huge contribution to the development of dance has made all the famous singer and actress Madonna. In 90-m to year she has released a music video in black and white format, which is called Vogue, and where the singer used motion in this direction. Until now, the Queen of Vogue is considered Madonna, because she made the dance popular!

Vogue has 4 separate bedding:

Vogue Femme-features inherent in the female sex, ie femininity;
Old Way-stands for posing;
Runway-the so-called "podium" gait.
New Way-includes many acrobatic tricks and elements;Танцевальный Vogue style emerged not so long ago-it was first introduced to the General public in the 60s of the 20th century. As you may recall, at that time the United States and the whole of advanced Europe experienced a boom in the sexual revolution, as well as the formation of tolerance and acceptance of members of sexual minorities. The style of Vogue dance, even for a short time, became the way that contributed to the self-expression of these social groups. Originally the dance had serious sexual overtones, more like a protest against the foundations of society.

Vogue style
In the dance, boys and girls move as if imitating models from the cover of a fashion magazine. The most famous of them – Vogue, hence the name of the genre. Have this dance vividly expressed African and Latin American roots, which find reflected in individual movements. Currently, this dance is no longer bright sexual background, in the style of VOG appeared more smooth and it is dance movements, but it remains a dance in the style of unisex – dance it can both girls and young people.

Wok dance style: main directions
Today it is possible to distinguish 4 various directions in wok style of dance which were created and were allocated in the course of half-century transformation:

Old way vogue. As the name implies, there are only original movements that arose in the 60s at the time of the birth of the style.
New way vogue. The name speaks for itself. This style is not more than 20 years old, it is more complex from a technical point of view, it pays serious attention to the hands.
Vogue femme. A feminine direction. Suitable for women who feel and realize their own sexuality.
Vogue dramatic. Here the main attention is paid to acrobatic tricks. We can say that there are more jumps and spins than smooth rolling movements.
Proper attire for dance styles VOG
In addition to the usual requirements for clothes in which it is necessary to engage in dancing (for example, does not constrain movement, giving the output of sweat), the dance direction VOG has a few additional laws.

First, clothing should emphasize sexuality. Therefore fit tight elastic leggings, swimwear with a plunging neckline, emphasizing the lush Breasts.

Secondly, the clothes should be bright – where have you seen African Americans and gray dull clothes or Latinos coming on stage in black and white attire? So follow the advice of the founders of the style!

Third, pay attention to accessories. Volume earrings, massive bracelets, beads and pendants – all this is welcome. The only thing – do not forget about safety.The direction of the dance Vogue: history, development and направления tancar/nauchim-tancevat-vog/

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